Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Anderson Update

I heard back from the Anderson's, the "international family" I interviewed with last week. I was their second interviewee. I received a voicemail from Mrs. A. She said that the family was headed out of town for a few weeks. She said that she was interested in me, but didn't feel comfortable making a decision until she had the opportunity to interview some more people. She tried to work in those interviews before they left town, but it didn't happen. She wishes to resume interviewing when she gets back.

Hmmm. I would love to hold out, and wait potentially four to five weeks to find out if I get this job. But I can't. I'll resume my job search with full steam ahead. Mrs. A said she hopes I'll still be available in July when she makes her decision, but completely understands if I'm not. I really want this job! But, if it's meant to be, I'll be jobless in July (scary thought) and I'll be offered the Anderson position.

My summer vacation continues. Yesterday I watched a cicada attempt to mate with what looked like a half-eaten tater tot. I watched Blanche make sexually suggestive comments while dressed like a nun on The Golden Girls. I played iQuiz on my iPod for a long time. I played Gamecube for even longer.

I need a job.

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