Friday, June 22, 2007

One Child, Hold the Siblings...

No word from the Andersons. I sent them a follow up email ("Nice meeting you, beautiful child, please keep me in mind for nanny position" etc..). I really hope they want me. There is one other family I'm waiting to hear back from that I like as much as the Andersons. They also have one child.

I've been thinking about the ideal family for me. I have decided that I really want to work for a family with only one child (preferably an infant). I just don't think I can handle going into a situation where there are a few children. Working for a family with a few kids just doesn't appeal to me. I think I have the right to be picky when choosing a family, just as the family also has the right to be picky too.

I had a couple of interviews scheduled for today that I cancelled. I have a sore throat and swollen tonsils. Plus I look like shit. Don't think I'll be making the best impression today.

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