Saturday, June 16, 2007

My Summer Vacation

So, I'm currently in the process of looking for another job.

Friday was my last day at work. I had worked with this family for four years. Two wonderful, amazing girls, seven and nine years old. My boss was a widow; she remarried, moved and quit her job, all in the span of one month. So now I'm jobless. Like millions of school children, I'm on summer vacation.

Even though it's a Saturday, it's my first day of being jobless (in ten years). Wow. It feels crazy and unbelieveable writing those words.

So far today, I have checked my e-mail every fifteen seconds to see if anyone looking for a Super Nanny has contacted me. A couple of prospects.

I loved the girls I used to work for. Loved. Their mother? Well.....that's a different story. What began as a nanny position slowly devolved into a personal assistant/nanny job. My job became less focused on the children, and more on doing all of the scut-work my boss didn't want to do. (I plan on including posts on the blog of some of the more entertaining tasks I was asked to perform. They have provided endless hours of entertainment for my friends and family).

I sit here, still in my pajamas at 2:40 in the afternoon, with some potstickers cooking. I wonder how long my summer vacation will last.

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