Friday, June 22, 2007

Brangelina's Nanny Spills the Beans

Here we go again.

I saw this at the grocery store yesterday. I told myself that if The National Enquirer cost under $1.50, I'd buy it. It cost something like, $3.29. Shows how much I value the tabloid press.

Anyway, I was curious to see if Brangelina's nanny had anything interesting to dish. I guess that makes me a guilty consumer; we really shouldn't care about this stuff. It's the public's desire for juicy gossip that fuels these piece of garbage tabloids to print ridiculous stories. I'm trying to put myself in Brangelina's nanny's shoes...

I honestly can not imagine violating a family's privacy. Then again, I've never sought a job with a prominent, well known family. As a nanny, there is an unspoken rule; what you see in the house stays in the house (with obvious exceptions for cases of child abuse). What a piece of work this nanny of Brad and Angelina's must be. Took a job with a family (I don't care that they are famous), witnessed personal events in the house then spilled her guts to a trashy magazine. What a blantant middle-finger she gave to the nanny code of ethics!!

Here's what I've learned about the article: had this to say:

All they say is that Angelina has forbidden the nannies from being seen in public with her four children and since it's public news that they have one nanny for each child and you never see photographs of them, it's likely someone jumped to that conclusion on their own...

There are also trite old stories about how Angelina is jealous of Brad's co-stars and fears he'll leave her.

One thing that was semi-new to me in the article was the fact that Angelina is said to hate George Clooney and to not be able to stand the 'Ocean's Thirteen rat pack phenomenom.'

Brad is also said to be jealous of Angelina's co-stars and to worry that she'll leave him too. Like I said, it sound like a bunch of bull, but we're not above repeating it obviously:

Despite Brad's assurances he'd never cheat, Angelina still fears he'll return to his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston - and she's also wary of Brad's skirt-chasing pal George Clooney, sources say.

'Angelina hate the whole ‘Oceans Thirteen' Rat Pack phenomenon,' said the insider. 'She can't stand the boys gang thing, which is why she's never like George Clooney.

'She was always afraid that when Brad was in Las Vegas filming ‘Ocean's' Clooney was trying to lead him astray.

'And Brad is equally as jealous of Angelina. It bother him tremendously when she goes off alone.'

[From National Enquirer print edition, June 25, 2007]

I'll bet George Clooney is losing sleep over the fact that Angelina takes issue with the "Oceans 13 Rat Pack phenomenon."

Here's what Lucinda Hahn wrote in the June 20th issue of The Chicago Tribune:

NATIONAL ENQUIRER: Everyone in Hollywood knows it's the nannies who hold all the secrets. The Enquirer claims it has a source inside the nannies tending the Pitt and Angelina Jolie brood -- and the "insider" reveals that (a) Jolie complains all the time, (b) Pitt tries to please her all the time, and (c) the kids have no friends.

The insider also revealed the behind-the-scenes drama of Maddox's 4th birthday ("Angelina's Nanny Tells All," Page 34):

"They did a decoy party at the house with balloons and the kids of the security guards. Meanwhile, Brad and Angelina and a nanny and Maddox went up to Santa Barbara. It was terribly sad. Maddox would have been far happier playing with the security guards' kids than riding his mini-ATV on the sand."

A decoy birthday party?! Insanity. Tell me there is any way these Jolie-Pitt children will grow up to be normal people. I feel bad for them.

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