Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Interview Time

Interviewing with a couple with an infant in an hour. They are on assignment here in the States from a foreign country. How funny, considering my last post...

I've been looking forward to this interview. I have so many interviews under my belt, that I have tons of confidence. But I am still a bit nervous. I really liked this woman when I talked to her on the phone.

This morning I worked for a few hours with the family I first worked for. The kids are seven and eight. I told them about my job search and interview today. I was given a good luck charm from one of the kids; a stretchy bracelet with my name on it. He also made me card that said, "You are the best friend ever." It made me cry. The other child gave me a card that said, "Good luck looking for another job. You are great!" This has boosted my confidence and happiness immeasurably. My God I love those kids.

So me and my stylish bracelet are going to go get ready for this ordeal now. I've been brushing up on my baby knowledge; I'm currently reading a dictionary-sized book about the weekly development of the infant. I've only made it to week 2. I've got some reading to do...

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